A Small Update About things..

Hello internet, it’s been quite a while since we posted a long blog post to explain what’s been going on in the Wonderful World of We Are OH, So shall we get to it?

Filming Some Stuff.. eventually
So we’ve been getting some idea’s together to film a small documentary about the Lancaster Music Scene and entitle it “This Is Lancaster” yeah i bet you remember we gave out a free Compilation CD back in 2009 with Circus Circus, Texas in July, Free the Empire and a bunch other bands who are in the Lancaster Music Scene, it’s just one of those never forget your root’s projects we kinda tend to get back into now and then, hopefully we’ll be working on this in the Summer if not Fall we’re super stoked to be finally getting back into this Project and getting something of it.

FREE Logo Design for Bands
You heard it here First, our good friends in LUMA Suggested a long long time ago that we should offer some free goodies to bands so we decided to Dedicate all of June - October FREE Shit Months meaning we’ll be offering free design’s to bands who need them the most and are willing to help us in return and by that we mean shameless promotion haha, Generally it’d be Sharing our Facebook Page / Website with who ever you want and getting out our name and we’ll do the same for you no matter what.

And Finally, We need intern’s who will work for free or food either way
We’re looking for some Talented kids, adults, band members, label representatives, label managers, ANYONE who want’s to Intern at We Are OH we’ll have more about that in June but for now send us an Email at hello@weareoh.com and title it OH Internship and we’ll send you a fancy email and make you tumblr-famous. yeah we will! WE PROMISE.

That’s all for now, we’ll have more update’s next month as with a NEW video from Tyler so be sure to checky backy for that!

As Always, Your Professional Friends
Tyler Smith & Kyle Gardner


Weekend Update #1
