Job's Explained.
So, we recently posted the updated Career’s Page Which we’ve been working on for a few Minutes now (lol) but we’ve Actually posted these because we need some other friends and fam to help out at the company and help us get things finished, currently there is 2 of us, Tyler (myself) And Kyle, we’ve been trying to get a few friends of our to join the team and help put the name out there but it’s kinda been hard to get things finished with the two of us working till we’re blue in the face or tired as hell since that’s what a normal Monday night is. either us staying up till 4:30am building a website or designing something. This isn’t something we really need knowing we’re just 18 year olds doing something 22 year olds do let alone we run Verge & OH At the same time so taking emails is something over-extreme knowing we get more then 20+ a day from client’s and other people trying to get ahead with they’re idea or band.
So Come Join us, we won’t bite! :) ’
- Tyler S & Kyle G aka We Are OH!