LAUNCH 2013 Wrapup!

Hey everyone! Tyler here. LAUNCH ended last night with our friends in Carousel Kings tearing up the place at the convention center and it was just amazing to see the turn out and all of that.

We’re so thankful that we had the support and help this year at LAUNCH and the wonderful opportunity to meet some new bands like From Under The Willow and get to know some people and everything in between.

As for what comes next after LAUNCH well.. that’s a well kept secret that we’re announcing May 20th but for now i’ll give you some hints.

This summer we’ll be going on a mini tour to promote the company and what not which we have set up on our events page and everything involved with that but that’s all we’re really doing this summer besides stuff we’re announcing May 20th.

That is all for now, Check back next month for our major update.
You stay classy Lancaster.

Tyler Smith
CEO & Co-Founder

