This is pretty Big to Us

So a lot of you might know we go to Launch Music Conference every year to Put out our work to Bands we work with that play the event Like our best friends free the empire on our Label Verge records and to hangout with Jacob and Jordan from LUMA and to do other fun stuff there. but that isn’t really the main point we attend Launch each year.

You see. (this is me tyler writing this) Back in 2010 i lost my Brother Justin who died un-expected when he was a Big part of Lancaster’s Music Scene with the band he was in Known as Circus Circus we all knew we had to start a tradition by attending Launch in his Memory that’s why in 2012 it’s going to be pretty Big, we’re going to be Designing and Printing shirt’s ONLY for Launch to promote The Justin Smith Music Fund and to make it known that Lancaster’s Music Scene is more then what the front cover is because without Music we wouldn’t have the fun in Life to get out there and see our favorite bands perform.

Hope to see everyone in April! - Tyler


Update: Jan 28th 2012 @ 11:18AM ET
