We Are OH Update: October 14th 2012
Hello all Tyler Smith here.
October Update:
Last month i posted The September 12th Update which explained a few things that we were doing. Since then we’ve been working our asses off with new clients, re-building this website, LAUNCH 2013 and a bunch other things, as some of you might know my girlfriend Kierstan joined the company and has been working with me on new projects and she has also introduced new things to our company which brings me to changing up our legal terms now as you see above we’re a registered company. Yesterday i launched the press page which equally gives people the chance to use our logos to advertise us on their website or if bands need to get a hold of our logo. Another thing we launched was Empire Studios which overtook the freetheempire.com website that’s going to be a music site which is launching in December.
2013 Plans:
Little by little we’re planning our 2013 events. Most of you know that we’re doing our 10th Anniversary events which are going to be awesome bit we also are focusing on LAUNCH 2013 because we missed it this year and we hope we can make it this year coming up just to put in our 10 years in business coins. Another leap for 2013 is all of our staff members including me turn 20 so we’ll be a bit older and a bit wiser to get things done and to push forward with more ideas.
We Are OH x LUMA:
Some of you have seen our new merch store which we launched a colab t-shirt with our best friends in LUMA to support The Justin Smith Music Fund which is a big cause to us because of it’s importance to our company and to our community.
That’s all i had to say today. Check back in December for our end of the year video update (it’s going to be big!)
Tyler Smith
President of We Are OH Studios
We Are OH, You are awesome™